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A New Year's Resolution for keeping the Rim Area Neighborhood clean?

Rectitudinous Rimarians: In meeting Dec. 4, 2017,the RANA Board of Directors unanimously voted for the following Motion: That whenever a Rimarian enters or walks by our neighborhood’s Tom Lea Upper Park, (s)he will pick up a piece of trash or three and punctiliously put it in the proper place, i.e., one of the trash receptacles that the City has stationed throughout the park and its triangle.

This binding resolution resolves the growing trash-build-up problem, caused in part by the City’s neglect, in part by the ever-growing popularity of the TLUP among El Pasoans from all over town. (Think “weddings”; think “quinceañeras”; think parties and hearties of whichever sorts.)

In any event, a HAPPY NEW YEAR to Rimarians far and wide, and may our picky efforts do much to stem the tide.—Yours in clean machines, the Rim Area Neighborhood Association Board of Directors

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